Changing lives through fragrance

As lovers of all things fragrant, we wanted to share our love of the fragrant world and highlight the importance of our sense of smell. So, we invite you to explore the site and make use of the resources here.
Fragrance Matters is an initiative led by IFRA UK (International Fragrance Association United Kingdom), the trade association representing manufacturers of fragrance.
If you have something you would like to share with us, you can email us at fragrancematters@ifrauk.org
Explore the world of fragrance...
Special features

Smell & Tell – using fragrances to reinforce social interaction.
People living in care homes can sometimes feel the adverse effects of isolation and the lack of social interaction. As part of an initiative running across various Givaudan locations to support communities strongly affected by the effects of Covid-19, a team of volunteers created Smell & Tell®, a mood bosting game comprising a board and memory game designed to be played by residents of varying abilities, in care homes.

Do you smell well?
One important symptom of Covid19 – the loss of the sense of smell - has highlighted how vital this sense is to our daily lives. But there are lots of reasons someone can lose their sense of smell, or "amnosmia" as it is known. here we look at some of these reasons and what you can do about it.
Leave your scent memories here
for a chance to win a copy of the
IFRA UK Fragrance Forum book
Olfaction: A Journey
An excerpt can be read here:
Looking to order our rosemary-scented bookmarks for your students?
Email fragrancematters@ifrauk.org with the number you require and a UK postal address.
Available whilst stocks last!